Round trip/bus tourists
Your travel company has already organized everything for you and informed you about the most important things for your arrival and departure. For individual travelers we have summarized the most important things here, so that your arrival in Namibia and Bitterwasser will not have any stumbling blocks.
Your passport must be valid for at least six months on the day of arrival. If necessary, please apply for a new passport in time.
No visa is required for guests from EU countries and Switzerland.
Travel health insurance
It is very useful to take out private travel health insurance in advance, if possible one that includes repatriation. Often this even runs on the credit card for up to two months. Cancellation insurance and baggage and accident insurance should also be considered.
Before the start of the trip it is worthwhile to refresh the vaccinations for tetanus and hepatitis A+B. If a round trip through Namibia and the bordering countries is planned, you should seek advice from a tropical specialist. Vaccinations for yellow fever may be considered. Southern Namibia is free of malaria due to the severe drought. However, for trips in the direction of the Etosha Pan, at least tablets for malaria prophylaxis should be taken along. Bitterwasser itself has a well equipped Medic-Room.
Time change
The time difference between Namibia and most parts of Europe is +1h, when it is wintertime in Europe. Therefore a vacation in Namibia is possible without jetlag. Nevertheless, the climatic changes should not be underestimated.
The non-stop flight from Frankfurt to Windhoek International, Hosea Kutako Airport (WDH), will bring you comfortably, almost in your sleep, to Namibia. Shortly before landing, you will receive your entry document on board, which you will have to fill out and present with your passport at the immigration control.
Rental car or pick up service
If you have ordered a cab or rental car through the lodge, you will be picked up by a driver with a Bitterwasser sign. Depending on your mode of arrival (cab or rental car) you will then drive to the car rental in Windhoek or directly by cab to Bitterwasser. The drive to Bitterwasser takes between three and four hours. The Windhoek-Rehoboth-Kalkrand-Hoachanas-Bitterwasser route (about 290 km) has the least amount of gravel roads (60 km). The route also recommends car rental. Cabs take the faster route from the airport via Dorbabis with, however, a larger share of gravel roads.
In Namibia there is left-hand traffic!
If your plane is delayed, please calculate three to four hours drive and ask when the sun goes down, because it is not recommended to drive at night to Bitterwasser due to the many wild animals.